3 Ways to Keep Your Network Safe

You’re worried about keeping your business information safe from cyberattacks, and you’ve got good reasons to be concerned. SMBs are now a favorite target, and safeguarding your business should be a major concern.

Managed IT Services companies can provide safeguards to keep your network secure, and there are steps you can take internally to shore up your defenses against an attack. Here’s what Managed IT Services companies recommend.

Change Your Passwords. Again.

Just like everyone else, you’re tired of hearing about the need to change your passwords, and businesses have more than one or two systems to worry about. Even so, the temporary inconvenience of changing passwords is nothing compared to the havoc that follows a successful intrusion by a hacker. The new guidelines for passwords include:

  • Keep it simple and long. Your passwords should be something you can remember, but that isn’t obvious to someone else. And the four numbers of your birth year won’t cut it.
  • Make it memorable. If you can’t remember your password, you’ll be changing it again soon. Probably tomorrow morning.

Don’t Click On That Link.

Social engineering schemes can trick your employees into divulging confidential company information or opening malicious email attachments. Train them to recognize the following scams.

  • Malicious attachments. Your bank won’t email asking for confidential information. To verify, hover over the hyperlink and check the URL against your records.
  • Fake email scams. The company CFO won’t send an email from an unfamiliar URL. Train employees to hover over sender names to verify company email addresses. If they don’t match the address in their contact list, it’s a social engineering attempt.

Make Time For Updates.

We know it’s a hassle, but most of the time updates are there to protect you from new security threats.

Keeping your confidential information safe is a full-time job. Contact us at MBM Technologies to learn more about Managed IT Services today!

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MBM Technology Solutions
MBM has 35 years of experience providing business IT solutions. Our mission is to provide seamless technology integration and managed services for cloud access, hardware infrastructure, cabling, and print.